Wednesday, April 16, 2008

April 16, 2008

Item #1: We had a zucchini & onion thing with our baked tilapia with fresh lemon pepper. Day #2 of 30. Sweet.

Item #40: H played for 1,600 more grains of rice after he posted below, so we've got a new total. We'll be at a million in no time. *grin*

Item #41: I'm not a huge fan of zucchini. I love zucchini bread ... but otherwise, it's got to be hidden with other veggies. Lots of other veggies. I tried it, pretty much plain tonight. I wouldn't go out of my way to have it again, but I will eat it if it's put on my plate.

Item #58: H walked tonight for 20 minutes, so we are both at a total of 1 hour for our first week. Simply put, we rock!

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