Tuesday, August 19, 2008

August 19, 2008

Item #29: Day 2 without fast food. So far, so good. I've made plans to meet a friend for coffee at Panera next week ... so we've decided that is also not "fast food." Our favorite ice cream haunt, though, has a drive-through, so sadly, no ice cream for us from them until after our month is up!

Item #41: I tried swiss chard today, making my score 10/10 ... H is still stuck at 7/10, so he'll have to try some foods he's pretty sure he doesn' t like. I discovered I'm not a huge fan of swiss chard ... but it won't kill me to eat it, at least not like tomatoes would.

1 comment:

Marni said...

Wow ... no fast food for 30 days? I agree - Panera isn't fast food because they have no drive-through and they bake bread there. That's not fast food.

I love swiss chard. How did you eat it?

Nice work all around. Isn't this fun?