Sunday, March 28, 2010

March 28, 2010

Item #28: We are hosting our 11 year old nephew and 7 year old niece for Easter & are thinking of planning out an Easter Egg Hunt, which is just as good as a treasure hunt, in our considered options. If we can pull it off, we'll be done with this item!

Item #52: H is doing cartwheels to be done with this item. It was much harder for him than it was for me, to spend 1 evening a week without TV or computer. I tried to get him to agree to do #68 or#69 & he said, "No way! I'll pay the $5!" LOL!

Item #76: H's car is just about ready to give up the ghost. We're doing some test driving & research & will probably have this item checked off in the next couple of months.

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